Welcome to the Limestone County
Sheriff's Office - Law Enforcement
Murray Agnew - Sheriff
On behalf of the Limestone County Sheriff's Office, I would like to welcome you to our website. This site was developed to provide you with an in-depth look at your sheriff's office and promote communication between this agency and the public. I firmly believe that communication is the key to resolving many of the issues in our community. Please enjoy your visit and contact me or my staff if we can be of further assistance or service to you. Thanks for your continued support of the men and women who serve and protect you.
History of the Office of Sheriff
The Office of Sheriff in Texas was created by the Texas Constitution. History indicates in 1827, Stephen F. Austin requested and received authorization for establishment of Constitutional Government in his colony. The first sheriff in Texas was then appointed in 1828. There are 254 counties in Texas and each county has a Sheriff. By statutes, the sheriff is a Texas Peace Officer, a conservator of the peace, enforces the criminal laws of the State of Texas, and is responsible for the county jail, bail bonds, civil process, and security of the courts. In some small counties the Sheriff is also the tax collector. Texas Sheriffs are elected to office and serve for a four-year term. The sizes of Texas Sheriffs Offices are as diverse as the population of the counties.